Old Testament: Isaiah 2:1-5
Gospel: Matthew 24:36-44
Epistle: Romans 13:11-14
Gospel: Matthew 24:36-44
Epistle: Romans 13:11-14
I have decided to write some more posts on the Lectionary
since I wasn’t writing very much on other topics. Hopefully we can all grow in
Christ and we can teach each other some things.
Another season of Advent is upon us. For many, the
decorations are already up and the shopping season has started before the
Thanksgiving dishes were washed and put up. But, I want to pause and again ask a
question we have pondered on this blog before: whose time is it? So often we
want to know what time it is. What time is the football game? When is the
meeting? How many days until Christmas? These questions all have a numerical
answer, but the question of whose time is it has a person as an answer; it is
God’s time. Advent is the start of the Christian Calendar and it is always good
to pause and reconsider the fact that God is the Creator and the
Sustainer of all creation. Time and creation have a goal and are heading in the
direction of God’s Kingdom coming fully. We celebrate during the Advent season, and
especially the Christmas season, that God is not only over time, but that he
also entered into our time and space in the person of Jesus. God actually
became a helpless baby, lived and breathed, died, was buried, and then rose
again to redeem and restore creation and time.
Jesus' life and death provide the means whereby God’s rule over time can
be complete.