Old Testament: Exodus 3:1-15
Gospel: Matthew 16:21-28
Epistle: Romans 12:9-21
Matthew and Romans this week continue the discussions we
have been having the last few weeks. Last week, we discussed Peter’s confession
that Jesus is indeed “the Christ, the Son of the living God.” But we all know
that right after this great statement of faith, Peter rebukes Jesus for teaching
that he must go to Jerusalem to suffer and be killed. It is no light thing to
be called of Satan by Jesus. But I think there is more at play here. A couple
of clues point to this being no easy thing for Jesus, and actually a temptation
he faced. It begins actually with the temptations of Jesus earlier in Matthew Chapter
4. The thrust of those temptations was to skip the pain and death that was to
come and to arrive at the glory and honor offered by the devil rather than that
offered by the Father through obedience to him. Peter confronts him with that
same temptation again. Jesus recognizes
it as the same temptation and calls him Satan.