Psalm: Psalm 13
Old Testament: Genesis 22:1-14
Gospel: Matthew 10:40-42
Epistle: Romans 6:12-23
There are certain passages in the Scriptures that when you
stop to think about them, they are a bit disturbing; Genesis 22 is one of those
passages. The first verse says that God “tested Abraham.” God challenges
Abraham to sacrifice his only son and lets him get so far as to have the knife
raised above Isaac before he finally stops Abraham. It is disturbing to me not
only that God is testing Abraham, a man who had moved his family to follow God
and then waited until he was 99 years old to finally have the Promised Child,
but that he did it through almost having a father kill his son. Imagine the
strain that episode puts between Abraham and Issac for the rest of their lives
together. No doubt neither of them could ever forget that moment, and I’m sure
they didn’t sit around the tent years later and say, “Remember that time you
almost killed me, Dad? That was a good one.”