Acts: Acts 4:5-12
Gospel: John 10:11-18
Epistle: 1 John 3:16-24
If you can believe it, April has
already come and gone. In fact, this
school year has almost come and gone. By
next Sunday, colleges will be out, and in 2 weeks I’ll be done with
Seminary! This week presents some
interesting passages revolving around the idea of the Divine Shepherd. Psalm 23 perhaps is the best known Psalm in
which David declares that the Lord is his shepherd. He guides David through the good and bad, but
ultimately the Lord does this for his name.
Our reading from Acts is Peter’s
sermon before the Jewish religious leaders in which he proclaims Jesus is the
only source of Salvation, in other words, Jesus is God. Like the shepherd in the Psalm, Jesus saves
us. It is his name which brings
salvation; Peter is saying Jesus is God.